Monday, June 25, 2012


A comment from a FB 'discussion' I had with someone recently. I was sent this article to read . A quote from the article was given and I primarily dealt with that quote in my reply.

After reading this article, I am more convinced that folks just don't understand what Lutherans ( Confessional at least ) believe, teach, and confess. What follows is my response.


I think I'm with you now on that quote. The language has changed somewhat, so correct me if I'm wrong, but sounds like he's saying Lutherans 1) don't believe in the doctrine of reprobation ( double-predestination ),2) that Lutherans believe in unconditional election ( like Calvinists ) and 3) universal election ( vocation ).

With regards to 1), I would repeat something I've read from a Lutheran Hour broadcast "sin is that which puts souls in hell. The Triune God is the Deity Who delivers believers from hell...So, that's really a totally different way of looking at things. Sin, which breaks God's laws, sends people to hell. God doesn't want anybody to go there, but that's why He sent His Son to seek and to save the lost. "

Again, I know some Reformed guys that would say they don't believe in double-predestination either, but they don't have a follow-up except to say God sovereignly chose some and not others.

I found a link that does a good job of speaking to these differences. If you load the page and scroll down for the paragraph heading "They differ regarding Predestination" then start reading that paragraph and following. Actually, the whole page is a good read.

As far as the the issue of election, Lutherans do not confess a universal election. Hanko and/or Schaff is wrong. The Solid Declaration from the Book of Concord, section 11 on Election might prove helpful here. I'll quote a snippet:

"5] The eternal election of God, however, vel praedestinatio (or predestination), that is, God's ordination to salvation, does not extend at once over the godly and the wicked,but only over the children of God, who were elected and ordained to eternal life before the foundation of the world was laid, as Paul says, Eph. 1:4. 5: He hath chosen us in Him,having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ."

I really don't see where they get the idea that Lutherans are semi-pelagianists either. 

From for "Vicarious Atonement" and the next three paragraphs. And from that same page, Pelagianism was condemned universally by the Protestants. Some notable examples.
  • Augsburg Confession (1530) Art. 9, 18 (Lutheran)
  • 2nd Helvetic (1561/66) 8-9. (Swiss-German Reformed)
  • Gallican Confession (1559) Art. 10 (French Reformed)
  • Belgic Confession (1561) Art. 15 (Lowlands, French/Dutch/German Reformed)
  • The Anglican Articles (1571),9. (English)
  • Canons of Dort (1618-9), 3/4.2 (Dutch/German/French Reformed)

Here you can find Article 18of the Augsburg Confession

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