Monday, June 25, 2012


Thanks to some recent posts at Lamb on the Altar I've been thinking more about the differences between Calvinism and Lutheranism. Before I left the PCA/Reformed theology to Confessional Lutheranism, I had thought the two were very similar. And I think there are many in the PCA that still believe this. But the two couldn't been any more different. I might post a few more thoughts on this particular topic.

I'll try not to sound too "Lutherans are better than you" posts, but rather, point out their differences. Some of what I post might be a copy/paste from conversations with other folks on Facebook or via email on this topic.


A slightly different take on Calvinism and Lutheranism.

It’s interesting he says to look at the Westminster Confession Larger Catechism, question 7 to give you an idea of the point of reference for Reformed. He says

"Luther shied away from abstractions, and we Lutherans inherited that. Not just sovereignty, but the attributes of God in general are simply not of extreme importance. If you look at Luther’s catechisms, he actually defines God in terms of Creation, the Cross, and the Church. Compare that to Q7 in the Westminster LC. So for Lutherans, theology is done in terms of God’s relation to us. That means theology never gets away from Law and Gospel, from justification, from the incarnation of Jesus Christ."

I'll quote WCF-LC question so you don't have to dig it up.
Question 7: What is God?
Answer: God is a Spirit, in and of himself infinite in being, glory, blessedness, and perfection; all-sufficient, eternal, unchangeable, incomprehensible, everywhere present, almighty, knowing all things, most wise, most holy, most just, most merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.

Phew! That wears you out just reading it.

It’s probably unfair for me, or anyone, to expect a Reformed pastor to begin to preach a different style or have a different focus than what they have always preached because the WCF helps form a starting point and a world view they operate from/within. However, Pastor Tullian from Coral Ridge seems to be gathering some appreciation for his Law/Gospel ( Lutheran? ) type of preaching. A new website he’s been collaborating on ->

What I suspect might be happening, is that there has been a vacuum created by crummy preaching/worship ( think non-denominational megachurch ) and Reformed theology was on the scene  ( maybe in the last five years? The Young, Restless and Reformed movement ) ready to give folks more of what they craved.

But I think it only got it partly right. It brought people back to a belief in the centrality and importance of the Scriptures. But where it’s failed it not enough focus on the message of the Scriptures, the central figure, who is Christ.

And I believe the movement of the YRR folks is just that, a movement. It will pass away and will shift some things in the church, but will eventually leave us wanting, longing to hear the Gospel proclaimed. The message that Christ came to seek and save that which was lost. Christ comes for you and for me.

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