Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lutheran versus Reformed

This has been really difficult for me to work out in my mind. I was part of a PCA Church plant in Rogers for obout 8 years and very involved. Now we're in the Lutheran Church ( LCMS ) for about 4 years and I'm really missing the love of and exposition of the Scriptures...exhortation, encouragement, etc. that I remember from years past.

I keep hearing this mantra of sorts over and over to the effect of "you're a saint and a sinner and thanks be to God, now go love your neighbor". There is not much speaking towards the realm of sanctification. And I'm not the only one seeing this, an ex-Calvinist now Lutheran pastor is seeing it as well .

I'm also seeing tendency in the LCMS to be more like Rome, or be more like a non-denominational church. Kinda bizarre the tendency to push to the extremes. Those longing for Rome worry me, especially since I lost a good friend to Rome over the past year. My studies in the RCC and the Reformation lead me to a new appreciation for the various aspects of the Reformation and the differences between Luther and Calvin.

This all led me back to reading and listening to Ligonier, Westminster, RTS, you name it and I have been really enjoying it. I thought I should go back to the basics, so I started thinking about soteriology and I realized that Lutheranism seems awfully Arminian to me. 

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