Thursday, January 5, 2012


I re-read It speaks a little bit to the idea of “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity”. From the link “It pronounces certain teachings to be such that no man can be a Christian without the believing acceptance of them, but on the other hand it pronounces others to be such that someone can err out of weakness in them and still be a Christian, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.And this one “All teachings of Holy Scripture, although not equally necessary for obtaining salvation, nevertheless have a completely equal binding force on all people, since they are divine revelation to mankind.”

Would a Catholic agree that all teachings of Holy Scripture bind us? Do they bind us alone, on their own, by themselves, or along with the church? Does the church get its authority from Scripture? Or from men?

We had a small group study at the church last night. A lady in our group made some comments that caught my attention a little bit. Nothing bad, but with the reading I've been doing lately and some conversations with friends, I had this thought.

If we view disciples ( Christians ) and discipleship as concentric circles. At the center would be people more knowledgeable about the Bible and church history, they read and study their Bible, they desire to learn, grow, etc.. For the purpose of this discussion, I would put pastors and other teachers of the church in the center. The next ring would have faithful church goers, they study and read their Bibles, etc, but mostly content in their “tradition” and are able to hold their own in a conversation about the Bible. The next ring would view the church as important, but possibly not sure why. Maybe as a way to better themselves and their children? They might read their Bible, but don’t engage in conversations of the spiritual nature so much, might be in a small group for the social aspect and not so much the spiritual growth aspect. As you get further from the center, church attendance is less, bible study, reading, prayer, etc decreases. How many rings does this circle have? How far from the center can you get?

That’s all I got, just putting thoughts down, flushing them out of my foggy head.

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