Wednesday, January 28, 2015

These guys

Thinking about these guys lately
- Waldensians
- John Wycliffe
- Jan Hus
- William Tyndale

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 more

Pulled the trigger and decided to deactivate my Facebook account. I attempted to engage folks in various Reformed and Lutheran groups ( even Anglican ) only to run into people who became dogmatic on any and every issue without the slightest attempt to enter into a conversation/dialogue. This only caused me unneeded frustration.

My first step was to remove myself from those groups and simply read occasional news items or posts from a few friends. But I got tired of seeing pictures of food and hearing how awesome everyone was. All that was left were news items, which I was already seeing in my Blog Roll and/or Twitter feed.

So I'm out, I'm done with FB and actually breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe I'll try to get back on here and write more. Just to work out my thoughts. Seeing much in Christianity that concerns me. Yes, it is easy to pick out the bad in things, but that is where my heart is. Not picking bad out, but uprooting error and falsehoods before they get too deep and defending Gospel centered Christianity and not a politcally-co-opted western religion.